

The Story Behind the Restoration of St. Edmund Church

In early April 2023, Oak Park's oldest Catholic church, St. Edmund, faced an unexpected challenge when a violent storm…

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Berglund Con­struc­tion is thrilled to announce the com­mence­ment of work on the highly antic­i­pat­ed Duneland Family YMCA…

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Illinois Foun­da­tion held a ribbon cutting and ded­i­ca­tion ceremony on June 26, 2024, to celebrate its…

To celebrate National Safety Month, our Director of Safety and Quality, Dwayne McKenna, has compiled a list of safety…

With an active awards season, the Berglund Con­struc­tion team cel­e­brat­ed alongside many influ­en­tial industry leaders in…

Berglund Con­struc­tion announces the promotion of three long­stand­ing leaders to the position of Vice President: Ted…

Today marked a historic moment as a ground­break­ing ceremony for the restora­tion of three iconic buildings in Northwest…

Within Berglund Construction’s portfolio of notable projects completed since 2021, three excep­tion­al projects, within…

In cel­e­bra­tion of the continual restora­tion and preser­va­tion of the Old Joliet Prison, Berglund Con­struc­tion took part…