

Berglund Construction Announces Promotion of Alex Lulinski to Vice President of Operations for the Building Division

Berglund is pleased to announce the promotion of Alex Lulinski to Vice President of Operations for the Building…

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Viewing Awards

At the 2024 Society of Archi­tec­tur­al His­to­ri­ans (SAH) SAH Cel­e­brates gala, Berglund Con­struc­tion was rec­og­nized for its…

With an active awards season, the Berglund Con­struc­tion team cel­e­brat­ed alongside many influ­en­tial industry leaders in…

Within Berglund Construction’s portfolio of notable projects completed since 2021, three excep­tion­al projects, within…

Berglund Con­struc­tion’s Joint Public Safety Training Center Project in Chicago has been awarded the pres­ti­gious Award…

The Grand Army of the Republic Rooms, completed in 1897 in Chicago’s Cultural Center (the city’s former main public…

The Grand Army of the Republic Rooms, located in the north wing of the Chicago Cultural Center, have been meticulously…

The design team, Harboe Archi­tects, on our Chicago Cultural Center Grand Army of the Republic Rooms Restora­tion project…

Berglund was announced as one of Chicago Archi­tec­t’s Top Com­mer­cial Con­trac­tors in Chicago, Illinois.