

Berglund Construction Plays Key Role in Reopening Lockport High School’s Central Campus

After a challenging year marked by a ceiling collapse that forced the closure of Lockport High School’s Central Campus,…

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Viewing Press

For release by the Duneland YMCA Duneland Y Board of Directors select Local Con­struc­tion and Archi­tec­ture firms for…

Jeff Berglund, Vice President at Berglund Con­struc­tion and Alison Martin, Devel­op­ment Director at Opportunity…

Urbana, Ill. —The Uni­ver­si­ty of Illinois Foun­da­tion gathered staff, col­leagues, and friends on May 9, 2022 to break…

Reaching more than 600 feet high, the Rhodes State Office Tower is the tallest building in Columbus, Ohio. 

A career in the trades is often over­looked, espe­cial­ly by women. 

Berglund Con­struc­tion is excited and proud to be part of the DL3 Realty, Revere Prop­er­ties, Claretian Asso­ciates, and…

On Sunday, the Chicago Tribune picked the top 20 buildings across the state for its readers to visit, and Berglund has…